

SONOTEC Ultrasonic Solutions produces a wide range of ultrasonic testing devices specifically designed for various preventive maintenance tasks. Their exclusive solution, SONAPHONE, enables precise and effortless execution of these activities. Preventive maintenance activities are essential in factories and plants where machine failures, plant availability, and energy costs are critical factors. SONOTEC Ultrasonic Solutions offers a diverse selection of ultrasonic testing devices from the SONAPHONE family, allowing for quick, accurate, and easy completion of these tasks.

With a strong focus on preventive maintenance activities, Sonotec manufactures a variety of ultrasonic testing devices that enable you to detect potential issues before they become major problems.

Whether you’re in the oil and gas, petrochemical, or general industrial sectors, Sonotec’s ultrasonic testing devices are designed to meet your needs. From leak detection and valve testing to bearing analysis and electrical inspection, Sonotec’s solutions offer reliable and accurate results.

Why Choose Ocean ​

Since 2017, Ocean Technical and Mechanical Services has been the authorized distributor of SONOTEC products in Oman. We ensure that our products reach customers in Oman promptly and efficiently. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us help you optimize the performance and longevity of your assets. Trust SONOTEC Ultrasonic Solutions for reliable, precise, and easy-to-use ultrasonic technology. Your success is our priority.

Ultrasonic Testing Devices

Ultrasonic testing equipment is designed for ultrasonic inspection tasks in the field of Predictive maintenance eventually extending the machine life and preventing sudden breakdowns.

SONOTEC GmbH is a pioneer in the field of ultrasonic testing equipment. The company in Halle (Saale) employs over 180 people and develops and produces ultrasonic transducers, sensors, testing equipment, and measuring technology solutions for customers. Many jobs may be completed quickly and efficiently using the SONAPHONE range of multi-purpose ultrasonic testing equipment. The procedure is straightforward, and substantial training is no longer required.

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